Animation Essentials

Category: Bundle, animation & modeling
Software: Blender

Blender bundle contains multiple addons for optimizing animation, modelling and texturing workflows (shape keys, drivers, texture baking)…

VFX Essentials

Category: Bundle, visual effects
Software: Blender

Bundle contains multiple packs related to particle effects, volumetrics, overlays, workspaces and visual effects.

Geometry Builder

Time to make some maps

Driver-Rig / Master Shape Keys

Category: Bundle, shape keys & drivers
Software: Blender

Some of the most powerful Blender addons Inlet has to offer now bundled together, so you can mix greatness with your shape keys, and level up the control over your characters and objects.


Category: Bundle, texturing & mapping
Software: Blender

Build maps in Blender with the new mapping tools of Geometry Builder, UV Aligner, Material Mode and Modular Asset Manager.