
Language is not only the fundamental building blocks of our communication with others, but is the core of our understanding of the world around us, as well as ourselves
Freeman You Fool!

Freeman was late for work again as he drove his small blue car into Black Mesa Research Facility. After the last catastrophe in the facility, started by Isaac Kleiner who now was banished in Dark Mesa, there were stricter rules the scientists had to abide by
Brother Freeman

See Ravenholm like never before! The churchbell is howling and the zombies are gathering, for the shephard Father Grigori is here to preach you and Gordon Freeman gospel
Disco Cascade

After the catastrophe which was the Resonance Dance Chamber, the scientsits of the Black Mesa Research Facility, and the crew from Half Life VR but the AI is Self Aware, had to find another way to go around the rules and have fun after all the laborious work of numbers, formulas and equations
Obey the Nightmare

This wasn’t the first time the Combine forces were tasked of assaulting White Forest, a known resistance hideout, but all past attempts had resulted in massacres and failure due to the guerrilla tactics and overwhelming terrain
Stasis Breach

Stasis Breach is a Half Life series about Gordon Freeman’s time during stasis as he accepted G-Man’s offer of employment, after the destruction of Black Mesa Research Facility at New Mexico and the conquest of Xen