DriverRig: Shape Keys to Bones

Short introduction

Did you know you can set up your control bones to drive shape keys? Then you know how long and awful the manual process can be, even appearing impossible at times of predictable frustration.

That’s why DriverRig solves that big problem by simplifying the process and automating it as much as possible so you can easily set those bones to drive the shape keys.

With this new automation for your models’ topology you can also achieve total facial control over any character, whether complex or simple.


Category: Driver automation
Blender: 2.83, 2.93, 3.x, 4.0, 4.2, 4.3
License: GPL

Want to get DriverRig with Master Shape Keys as a bundle for a lower price?

So what can you do

  • Make a list of Control Bones that activate shape keys
  • Generate drivers for all targeted shape keys so moving the bones in a specific way triggers them
  • Convert armature motion to keyframes, as well as shape keys, for exporting out of Blender
  • Create a 3D UI with headings and Custom Bone Shapes for visual clarity
  • Speeds up the process of adding bones and setting up drivers on shape key
  • Much easier to test, track, edit and delete than it is in default Blender
  • Use the generated shape keys in Unreal Engine 5, Unity and so on
  • A bone can trigger multiple shape keys
  • A shape key can be triggered by multiple bones

What are the versions

  • Custom Bone Shapes without the addon (157 shapes as a .blend file)
  • Full addon + the Custom Bone Shapes

These Custom Bone Shapes do not require the main script to work, since you can just use the shapes for your own rigs. Every single variation and alteration is meant for specific uses in regards to rotation, direction or size.

Don’t think this is all about faces, since it’s meant to work on any mesh. To begin its use, target the armature and add control bones to the list. Now choose which shape you need it to activate and just Generate.

It’s important to remember that if a shape key already has a driver it will be deleted!

Naturally you’d generate more and more shape keys and things could get disorganized, for which Shape Key Collections offers the solution with a folder management system –

But if you want to also be able to divide shape keys, group and merge them, including the Shape Key Collections addon, then Master Shape Keys is the greatest toolbox you can add in combination to DriverRig –